Conditional Carriage of Baggage - Bamboo Airways
Conditional shipping of baggage
In a few special cases, particular items are allowed in carry-on/checked baggage only if they satisfy specific criteria. Please refer to our instructions below.
How your lithium batteries are stored and their watt-hour (Wh) ratings determines whether or not they may travel by air. Use the following guide to help you find out if your batteries are accepted on Bamboo Airways flights:
≤100 Wh or ≤2g For example: For example: batteries in electronic devices such as phones, cameras, laptops, tablets, watches, etc… |
Battteries within the device: Accepted Maximum 15 devices accepted per passenger (including devices transported as checked baggage) |
Battteries within the device: Accepted Maximum of 15 devices per passenger ((including devices transported as carry-on baggage) Must be completely switched off and protected from damage or inadvertent activation |
Spare batteries /Batteries without the device: Accepted Maximum of 10 pieces per passenger Must be protected from damage and short circuit |
Spare batteries /Batteries without the device: Not accepted |
>100Wh and ≤160Wh or >2g and ≤8g For example: batteries in devices such as cameras, personal medical devices, rechargeable batteries, etc… |
Battteries within the device: Accepted |
Battteries within the device: Accepted The device must be completely switched off and protected from damage or inadvertent activation |
Spare batteries /Batteries without the device: Accepted Maximum of 2 pieces per passenger Must be protected from damage and short circuit |
Spare batteries /Batteries without the device: No accepted |
>160Wh or >8g For example: batteries in self-propelled vehicles, electric bicycles, underwater lights, etc..
Battteries within the device: Not accepted |
Battteries within the device: Not accepted |
Spare batteries /Batteries without the device: Not accepted |
Spare batteries /Batteries without the device: Not accepted |
- Watt hours (Wh) = Amp hours (Ah) x Voltage (V).
- All batteries & battery-powered devices carried must be for personal use (not for resale or distribution by a vendor).
- Passengers are advised to carry power banks and spare lithium batteries on their person or place them in a visible location nearby. Using or charging power banks during the flight is not allowed.
Portable electronic devices (PED) containing batteries and spare batteries
a) Battery-powered electronic device means the equipment or apparatus for which the batteries will provide electrical power for its operation. These devices (PED), which may include medical devices such as portable oxygen concentrators (POC) and consumer electronics such as cameras, mobile phones, laptops and tablets containing batteries when carried by passengers or crew for personal use, which should be carried in carry-on baggage. Batteries and heating elements must be isolated in portable electronic devices capable of generating extreme heat, by removal of the heating element, battery or other components.
These provisions apply to dry batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries, lithium batteries and wet, non-spillable batteries.
If devices are carried in checked baggage:
- Measures must be taken to protect the device from damage and to prevent unintentional activation;
- The device must be completely switched off (not in sleep or hibernation mode), unless the device contains only lithium batteries not exceeding:
- For lithium metal batteries, a lithium content of 0.3 g per device; or
- For lithium ion batteries, a Watt-hour rating of 2.7 Wh per device.
b) Spare batteries must be individually protected to prevent short circuits by placement in the original retail packaging or by otherwise insulating terminals, e.g. by taping over exposed terminals or placing each battery in a separate plastic bag or protective pouch and carried in carry-on baggage only. Each person is limited to a maximum of 10 spare batteries.
c) Additional requirements for lithium batteries:
- Each installed or spare battery must not exceed:
- For lithium metal or lithium alloy batteries, a lithium content of not more than 2 g; or
- For lithium ion batteries, a watt-hour rating of not more than 100 Wh.
- Batteries must be of a type that meets the requirements of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part Ill, subsection 38.3;
- Each person is limited to a maximum of 15 PED;
- Articles containing lithium metal or lithium ion cells or batteries, the primary purpose of which is to provide power to another device, e.g. power banks, are permitted in carry-on baggage only and must not be used or charged during the flight. The carriage of these items are subject to local regulations.
- These articles must be individually protected to prevent short circuits by placement in the original retail packaging or by otherwise insulating terminals, e.g. by taping over exposed terminals or placing each battery in a separate plastic bag or protective pouch;
- Damaged lithium batteries or lithium batteries on the manufacturer's recall list are prohibited to transport onto aircraft, such as:
- 15-inch MacBook Pro computers which was manufactured from September 2015 to February 2017 with battery error. Or
- Samsung Galaxy Note 7.
d) Additional requirements for non-spillable wet batteries:
- Batteries must meet the requirements of Special Provision A67 and must not contain any free or unabsorbed liquid;
- The voltage of each battery must not exceed 12V and the Watt-hour rating must not exceed 100Wh;
- Each person is limited to a maximum of two spare batteries in carry-on baggage only and each spare battery must be protected from short circuit by insulation of the battery terminals.
Lithium Battery-Powered Electronic Devices
Lithium battery-powered electronic device means the equipment or apparatus for which the lithium cells or batteries will provide electrical power for its operation. These devices are permitted in checked and carry-on baggage with the approval of the operator as follows:
a) Portable medical electronic devices (PMED), such as automated external defibrillators (AED), portable oxygen concentrators (POC) and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), containing lithium metal or lithium ion cells or batteries may be carried by passengers for medical use as follows:
- For lithium metal or lithium alloy batteries, a lithium content exceeding 2g, but not exceeding 8g; or
- For lithium ion batteries, a watt-hour rating exceeding 100 Wh, but not exceeding 160 Wh;
- Batteries must be of a type that meets the requirements of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part Ill, subsection 38.3.
b) Portable electronic devices, such as power tools, video cameras and laptops containing lithium ion batteries as follows:
- Lithium ion batteries with a watt-hour rating exceeding 100 Wh, but not exceeding 160 Wh;
- Batteries must be of a type that meets the requirements of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part Ill, subsection 38.3.
c) If device are carried in checked baggage:
- Measures must be taken to protect the device from damage and to prevent unintentional activation;
- The device must be completely switched off (not in sleep or hibernation mode).
d) Spare lithium batteries are permitted in carry-on baggage as follows:
- No more than 2 lithium ion batteries with a watt-hour rating exceeding 100 Wh but not exceeding 160 Wh or 2 lithium metal batteries, with a lithium content exceeding 2 g but not exceeding 8 g. Lithium metal batteries are only permitted for portable medical electronic devices (PMED), such as automated external defibrillators (AED), portable oxygen concentrators (POC) and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP);
- Spare batteries must be individually protected so as to prevent short circuits (by placement in original retail packaging or by otherwise insulating terminals, e.g. by taping over exposed terminals or placing each battery in a separate plastic bag or protective pouch);
- Batteries must be of a type that meet the requirements of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part Ill, subsection 38.3. No more than two individually protected spare batteries per person may be carried.
- Spare lithium batteries must not be used or charged during the flight.
Prohibited personal transportation devices
All small lithium battery-powered personal transportation devices (e.g. mini-Segway, hoverboard, solowheel, airwheel, balance wheel, etc.) are prohibited as checked-in and hand-carry baggage. This is regardless of whether the battery can be removed from the device. If these items are brought to the airport, they will be refused at check-in. It will be the passenger’s responsibility to arrange for the storage or disposal of such items prior to boarding.
Battery Powered Mobility Aids and Wheelchairs
Wheelchairs, mobility aids and assistive devices that are powered by lithium batteries and required for use by passengers will be allowed on board as checked-in baggage in conformance to the requirements stated in IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations. Passengers are requested to inform our Reservations department 48 hours in advance and also alert our check-in staff at the airport.
Wheelchairs without batteries attached or other mobility aids such as crutches, walking sticks, etc are allowed to be brought into the cabin as cabin baggage if they meet the cabin baggage standards specified.
Wheelchair, mobility aids and assistive devices with non-removable battery(ies)
Battery(ies) that cannot be removed from the wheelchair or mobility aid (non-collapsible device):
- The batteries must be of a type which meets the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III
- Battery(ies) to remain in the device and securely attached to the wheelchair or mobility aid.
- The battery terminals must be protected from short circuits by insulating the terminals (e.g. by taping over exposed terminals).
- The wheelchair/mobility aid must be switched off and protected from accidental activation.
- No battery power rating (WH) limitation.
Wheelchair, mobility aids and assistive devices with removable battery(ies)
Battery(ies) that can be removed from the wheelchair, mobility aid (collapsible device):
- The batteries must be of a type which meets the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III
- The battery(ies) must be removed and protected from short circuit by insulating the terminals. The wheelchair/mobility aid may then be checked-in without restriction.
- The removed battery(ies) must be protected from damage by placing them individually in a protective pouch, and carried as cabin baggage.
- The power rating of the battery must not exceed 300Wh, or for devices fitted with two batteries, not exceed 160Wh each.
- Passengers are allowed to take one spare battery not exceeding 300Wh, or two spare batteries not exceeding 160Wh each. They must be carried as cabin baggage.
Smart Baggage
Smart baggage powered by lithium batteries may include features such as motors, power banks, GPS technology, GSM, Bluetooth, RFID, or Wi-Fi.
Smart baggage is only accepted for transportation when it meets the following requirements:
- Accepted as carry-on luggage in the case of:
- Lithium battery with non-removable design with maximum battery capacity of 2.7 Wh for lithium-ion batteries or not exceeding 0.3 grams for metallic lithium; or
- Removable lithium battery which must not exceed 160 Wh may remain installed in the device.
- Baggage weight must be within carry-on baggage standards.
- All streaming functions (e.g. Bluetooth, Wi-Fi) must comply with portable electronic device limitations.
- Accepted as checked luggage in the case of:
- Non-removable lithium battery must not exceed 0.3 g lithium metal or for lithium ion must not exceed 2.7 Wh and it must be completely powered off before being checked.
- Removable lithium battery with a maximum capacity of 160 Wh must be removed and carried into the cabin. In this case, the baggage can be checked normally.
Bamboo Airways refuses to transport bags or suitcases with non-removable lithium battery exceeding 0.3 g lithium metal or for lithium ion exceeding 2.7 Wh or removable lithium battery with a capacity over 160Wh.
Bamboo Airways will accept and check information about the weight, battery capacity used in bags, suitcases, check the structure of the battery, whether it is removable or non-removable before accepting the passenger's baggage for transportation. In cases where bags or suitcases with attached batteries have unclear battery specifications or lack accompanying documentation with verified technical specifications, they will not be accepted for transport in any form.
For international flights: cigarettes transportation must comply with immigration regulations of the departure, destination and transit countries.
For domestic flights: there is no restriction on carrying cigarettes in carry-on luggage and/or checked baggage, as long as the weight, size and number of pieces of carry-on/checked luggage are met according to Bamboo Airways regulations
E - Cigarettes
Battery-powered portable electronic smoking devices such as electronic cigarettes, heated tobacco devices, electronic cigars, electronic pipes or other types of personal vaporizing devices are prohibited as checked-in and hand-carry baggage. If these items are brought to the airport, they will be refused at check-in. It will be the passenger’s responsibility to arrange for the storage or disposal of such items prior to boarding.
Passengers shall be limited to a maximum of 2.5 kgs of solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) for the cabin and checked baggage combined.
Dry ice shall be accepted only when used to pack perishables that are not subject to dangerous goods and the package permits the release of carbon dioxide gas.
LAGs include, but are not limited to, the following items: water and other drinks, soups, syrups, jams, stews, sauces and pastes; foods in sauces or containing a high liquid content; creams, lotions, cosmetics and oils; perfumes; sprays; gels, including hair and shower gels; contents of pressurized containers, including shaving foam, other foam and deodorants; pastes, including toothpaste; liquid-solid mixtures; mascara; lip gloss or lip balm; and any other item of similar consistency at room temperature.
LAGs general restrictions in cabin baggage
For domestic flights
Carriage of liquid, aerosols and gels in cabin baggage on domestic flights is unlimited for each passenger (except for odorous liquids and alcoholic beverages which must meet separate regulations) as long as it meets the regulations on number of pieces, weight and size of carry-on/checked baggage. However each container of liquid should be with a capacity not greater than 1500ml, or the equivalent in other volumetric measurements. Liquid carried in containers larger than 1500ml will not be accepted, even if the container is only partially filled.
For international flights
Liquids, aerosols and gels will only be allowed in cabin baggage if they’re kept in containers of not more than 100ml each, even if the containers are only partially filled. Containers must be carried in a clear, re-sealable plastic bag. The total volume of the bag must not exceed 1 litre. Each passenger is only allowed one such plastic bag.
Exemptions for liquids being medicines, milk, or baby food if the following conditions are met:
- If you are carrying prescription medicine, you are advised to carry supporting documentation (such as an ID card and a letter from your physician) for verification.
- Milk and food for children under seven (07) years old / infants with the condition that children / infants must be accompanied
- Liquid, aerosol and gel items purchased from duty-free shops located after security screening point may be carried onboard. These items must be packed in a sealed, clear, plastic bag, which contains a purchase form with the following contents: date of sale (day/month/year); international code of place of sale (country, airport, airline); flight number; Passenger name (if any); quantity and list of goods in the bag
LAGs general restrictions in checked-in baggage
Non-radioactive items used for medical treatment or makeup (including aerosols) such as hairspray, perfume, sunscreen sprays and alcoholcontaining pharmaceuticals, disinfectant wipes containing alcohol..., aerosols containing non-flammable, non-toxic, non-dangerous compressed gas used in sports or household purposes, can be carried in carry-on baggage and checked baggage under the following conditions:
- One bottle/jar/jar with volume/weight not exceeding 0.5kg or 0.5 liters.
- The total of these items (including checked and carry-on items) must not exceed 2kg or 2 liters per passenger.
- Non-toxic, non-flammable aerosols for sports and home use: only accepted in checked baggage, not accepted in carry-on baggage.
- Bottles/jars/jugs must be tightly closed to avoid spillage.
- Discharge valves of aerosol cans must have covers or be properly protected to avoid activation.
Alcoholic beverages
General regulations:
- Alcoholic beverages under 24 percent: not restricted.
- Alcoholic beverages containing more than 24 percent alcohol but not more than 70 percent alcohol by volume, no more than 05 litres per individual receptacle; no more than 05 litres total net quantity per person for such beverages, must be in retail packaging.
- Alcoholic beverages containing more than 70 percent alcohol by volume: not permitted to carry on the person, in cabin baggage or in checked baggage.
Packaging conditions:
- Alcoholic beverages are accepted only in its original container and should be unopened, so that it can be checked the percent of alcoholic beverages.
- Wrap each bottle in newspaper or in plastic bag.
- Place a barrier between bottles.
- These bottles must be placed in plastic/ porous/ waterproofing material containers, then cover the box carefully by adhesive tape to avoid leakage or spilling out during loading. Each Plastic/ porous/ waterproofing material containers will have to be covered by plastic with thickness at least 1mm.
- All liquid containers (such as bottles and jars) must be wrapped in plastic or stored in plastic bags to avoid water/liquid leaking into the cargo hold.
Type of goods |
Carry- on baggage requirements |
Checked baggage requirements |
Shrimp paste/ fish sauce and smelling liquid |
Not accept in hand carry-on baggage |
– Each passenger is allowed to check-in max. 3 litres or 3kgs. – Not accept shrimp paste/ fish sauce packed in glass bottle or uncovered box/carton because liquid can be leak. – Package requirements:
Durian, jackfruit and product made from durian, jackfruit
Not accept in hand carry-on baggage and checked baggage |
– Each passenger is allowed to check-in max. 5 kg of durian or jackfruit on Bamboo Airways flights. – Must be sealed by many layers of plastic bag before being packed in checked baggage or checked box to avoid smelling other baggages. |
These foods are considered as seafood, fresh food, frozen food,…perishable items:
- Fresh food and frozen food: fruit, vegetable, meat, fish, seafood and bread,…
- Plants, baby food such as fruit and leafy vegetable
- Plants and flower are cut- off from stem
In principles, perishables such as durian, fish-sauce, seafood, fresh fruit, live plant and flower, meat,…are restricted to accept as checked baggage on Bamboo Airways flights. In some instances, a perishable item may not be suitable to be carried on cabin, and rejection of carriage may seem impractical, such items may be accepted as checked baggage at the owner’s risk. Bamboo Airways will be not responsible for other problems occurred. Passengers will receive only compensation for late and lost baggage (if any) as Bamboo Airways’s regulation.
Packing conditions:
- Not accept to carry baggage pack crashed ice/ cubed ice inside.
- Fresh food, perishable food must be packed carefully in box or Styrofoam box, assure that it will be unsmellable, unleakable influence other. In case of necessary, passenger can be requested to re- packing their baggage in order not to damage other baggage or loss.
- Inner pack: wrapped in plastic bags with minimum thickness of 0.1 mm and covered by many plastic layers.
- Outer pack: place fresh food with completed inner pack in plastic/ porous/ waterproofing material containers, then cover the box carefully by adhesive tape to avoid leakage during loading. Each Plastic/ porous/waterproofing material containers will have to be covered by plastic with thickness at least 1mm.
- Plastic boxes and Styrofoam boxes made from waterproof material storing fresh food, perishable must be covered by nilon 1mm for each piece.
Baggage is human remains |
Carriage acceptance |
Carriage conditions |
Hand carry- on baggage |
Checked baggage |
Ashes |
Accept |
Accept |
– A certificate of death issued by competent authority, a cremation invoice or cremation certificate – Ashes may be allowed to carry as cabin baggage or checked baggage provided that passenger possesses Quarantine Certification of Medical Center (City or Province level). – Cremated human remains must be shipped in funeral Urns which is an efficiently cushioned suitable packing material which has a sealed outer box or case. – The container, called an Urn – must be properly packed, air tight, if it is surrendered as checked baggage. |
Remains |
Not accept |
Accept |
– A certificate of death issued by competent authority, a cremation invoice or cremation certificate – Remains must be granted Quarantine Certification by Medical Center (City or Province level). – Remains must be firmly packed and put in hard container to ensure not to be damaged and smelled, observing the instruction of Medical Center |
Dead body |
Not accept |
Not accept |
– Dead body is only accepted to carry in cargo compartment applying cargo handling regulations. |
Advance reservation must be made at least 24 hours before scheduled departure time. If passenger requires ashes or remains service at the time of departure at the airport, BamBoo’s Supervisor decide to accept or refuse the request according to regulations of local authorities of departure, transfer, arrival airport and departure time of the flight
The carriage of remains or ashes is only applied for BAV flights, otherwise passenger has to contact with carrier concerned for acceptance. The carriage must be complied with regulations of local government(s) concerned of departure, transit and arrival station.
Fresh eggs are restricted on BAV flights. In some instances, rejection of this carriage may seem impractical, fresh eggs may be accepted as checked baggage at the owner’s risk (if any).
Packing conditions
For big quantity:
- Eggs are generally packed in fibreboard or wooden boxes with honeycombed separation trays.
- Packing material should be strong enough to allow stacking of parcels ontop each other.
- Cover the box carefully by adhesive tape, then place it in a big plastic bag with minimum thickness of 0.1 mm to avoid leakage during loading.
For small quantity:
- Each egg must be wrapped with papers
- Eggs should be stacked into bulk holds in such a manner so as to avoid crushing, which also could damage other loads or aircraft holds.
- This bag should be carried on rather than checked as baggage.
For domestic flights:
Plants and flowers will be accepted as check- in baggage or hand carry- on baggage
Plants can be accepted only when they are packed carefully to avoid spillage of the soil that they are placed in.
Plants and flowers carried onboard only accepted when the size is fit to the size of carry-on baggage. They should be stored in the overhead locker or as guidance of cabin crew. In case passengers do not prefer to store plants and flowers in the overhead lock, passenger should buy an another seat for that plants and flowers.
When hand held bouquets are carried in cabin, ensure the stem or ends of the hand held bouquet are concealed to avoid spillage of the water that they are placed in. The water may cause damage to our aircraft and carry on items of other passengers. Should the bouquet be stored in the overhead locker.
For international flights:
The carriage must be complied with the regulations of local government(s) concerned of departure, transit and arrival station.