市内中心部から北へ約 40 km 離れたヴァン フォン 湾は、野生的で素朴で非常に平和な美しいところです。 ヴァンフォン湾は、誰もが一度は訪れたい天国への玄関口のように霧の後ろに隠れています。
Nha Trang
南中央海岸に位置するカインホア省の中心都市として、ニャチャンはベトナムのビーチ観光の楽園として知られており、夢のような島々で世界中から観光客を魅了しています。 ニャチャンに来ると、青い水に浸ったり、細かい砂に身を沈めたり、ビーチを散歩したり、砂の上に横になって海岸に打ち寄せる波を聞いたり、波の上から見る朝の光景も、もっとも驚くほど美しい夕方を見たりする体験できます。
- As Nha Trang typically experiences temperatures of 26 to 27 degrees Celsius, practically any time of the year can be visited provided the timing is right. The best time to visit Nha Trang is from July to September every year since the weather is pleasant during those months and conducive for water sports like scuba diving, windsurfing, kayaking, skydiving, creating sand castles, or playing beach volleyball will all help you unwind.
- As July and August fall during Vietnam’s summer break for pupils of all grade levels, lots of families come to visit at this period. Since it is also the busiest travel period, Nha Trang’s prices for services are relatively high. Consider visiting here at this time if you want a peaceful area to unwind peacefully.
- As October and November fall during the South’s rainy season, travel by tourists will be hampered. In addition to severe downpours, the final few months of the year in Nha Trang are also marked by a cool monsoon.
- Before heading to Nha Trang, please prepare umbrellas or raincoats and bring sunscreen.