Easily Remain/Upgrade Tier if your card is expiring within 2024

Immediately upgraded/ remained your high value card right after accomplishing 1 Business or 2 Economy flights with Bamboo Airways.

Cards expired between Jan and Jul 2024

No. of qualifying points/ flights accumulated from 01/7/2023 to 01/7/2024

20 - 29 flights/ 2000 - 2999 qualifying points 

10 - 19 flights/ 1000 - 1999 qualifying points 

5 - 9 flights/ 500 - 999 qualifying points 


Accomplish a Business (Business Smart, Business Flex) or 02 Economy (Economy Flex) flights with Bamboo Airways 

Flying period: 

Jul 01 - Aug 31, 2024 

Next Tier if qualified 





Cards expired between Aug and Dec 2024

No. of qualifying points/ flights accumulated from 01/7/2023 to 01/7/2024

20 - 29 flights/ 2000 - 2999 qualifying points 

10 - 19 flights/ 1000 - 1999 qualifying points 

5 - 9 flights/ 500 - 999 qualifying points 


Accomplish a Business (Business Smart, Business Flex) or 02 Economy (Economy Flex) flights with Bamboo Airways 

Flying period: 

One month before the Tier’s expiry date 

Next Tier if qualified 


